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Showing posts from June, 2020

Just Plantin' Seeds

friar Rich,  OFM Conv. I do not have a green thumb.   At least, not yet.   I’ve almost killed my aloe plant, which I’m told should be one of the easiest plants to cultivate.   Fortunately, one of the friars here is an outstanding gardener and has prescribed a course of treatment to save it.      We have several gardening spots either at the friary or the parish where we’ve been working as the good weather permits: transplanting some plants, removing others, getting the vegetables into the ground, and the perpetual chore of weeding.  In between his gardening guidance, he often repeats the same phrase: “It’s all about planting seeds.” But even outside the garden, the phrase finds use.  Several times, as we’ve been running errands, we’ve had an unexpected encounter or event call our attention.  What first seems like a chance happening quickly turns into something else as the increasing number of coincidences compound into something beyo...